- воспользоваться
In order to explain ... , one must draw on the principles of quantum mechanics.
•The designer must fall back on semiempirical numerical methods of analysis.
•Pascal invoked the principle of indifference by referring to a coin flip in his famous wager.
•Recourse was made (or We resorted) to a propulsion unit incorporating ...
•To take advantage of the higher potential,…
* * *Воспользоваться -- to make use of, to avail oneself of, to take advantage of, to make resort to, to use to advantage; to resort to, to exploit; to capitalize (с выгодой); to enlist (заручиться содействием); to invoke, to enter (рисунком, таблицей)In determining the extent of the hysteresis, we again make use of the concept of a critical blockage.In order for you to avail yourself of this reliable method of journal copy transmittal it would be prudent for you to ask Mr. X. to continue the same arrangements as his predecessor.The resulting system was unable to take advantage of all available trends due to the in-house limitations of some system subcontractors.Because stress levels in the bearing lining have never been easily calculated, resort has been made instead to specific load as a design parameter.This directionality of properties can be used to advantage and must be considered in component design.This phenomenon could possibly be exploited to reduce design mass.First a search program is invoked which, based on these assumptions, locates the liquid-liquid interfaces.We may now enter Fig. to determine the crack growth rates.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика. 2013.